Hakuichi is a gold leaf specialty store based in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, renowned for its fusion of tradition and innovation in a diverse range of products. Kanazawa accounts for over 99% of Japan’s gold leaf production, and Hakuichi plays a vital role in preserving and passing on this craft to future generations while introducing new ways to appreciate its beauty.
The store offers a wide variety of gold-leaf items, including traditional crafts, tableware, and cosmetics, allowing visitors to enjoy their elegance and luxury. One of the highlights is the gold-leaf application experience, where participants can create their own unique pieces while engaging with the craftsmanship behind the art.
Hakuichi transcends the boundaries of traditional crafts, serving as a bridge to share Kanazawa’s culture and aesthetic sensibilities with the world. A visit to Hakuichi is a must for anyone exploring Kanazawa, providing an unforgettable encounter with the allure of gold leaf.