Alcoholic beverages 酒類
seafood 海鮮類
agricultural products 農産物
meat 肉類
Seasonings 調味料
processed products & confectionery 加工品・菓子等
crafts 工芸品
Restaurant & Cafe 飲食店
きたまえブランド七か条 seven articles of the Kitamae brand
Kitamae JAPAN shares the spirit of the following seven articles with participating companies and works together to develop overseas and other sales channels as the Kitamae brand.
1. 地域性 locality
Share the bounty of local resources with deep respect for the distribution of goods and the promotion of cultural exchange that the Kitamae Ship carried out.
2. 持続性 durability
Learn about history and culture, and preserve the roots, wisdom, skills and feelings of products and commercial goods for the future.
3. 地産地消 local production for local consumption
Learn about and use domestically produced products and commercial goods, and enjoy sharing them with others.
4. 伝統と革新 Tradition and innovation
Create new attractions by making use of the distribution of goods and cultural exchanges that the Kitamae Ship carried out.
5. 創造性 creativity
Develop a workforce capable of taking on the challenge of developing new products.
6. もてなしの心 spirit of hospitality
With compassion and sincerity, give the gift of memories that can only be experienced in each locality.
7. 尊重し合う文化 Culture of respect
Recognise each other’s diverse cultures and build a ‘culture of respect’.