※灯芯とは、イグサの表皮を取った 中のスポンジ状の部分です。


The characteristics of Japanese candles lie in the wick and the raw materials used.
The wick is made by hand-rolling a wick onto a tube of washi paper, then wrapping a thin layer of cotton around the wick to prevent it from unraveling.
The wick is the spongy inner part of the Igusa (rush grass) after the outer skin has been removed.
The wick is hollow at the end, so it is constantly supplied with wax and oxygen drawn from the wick while burning, resulting in a bright, powerful flame that is strong against wind.
The finished wick is inserted into a candle mold, and melted wax is poured into it.
When the wick cools and hardens, it is removed and carefully finished one by one.
The raw material is vegetable wax.
Takazawa Candles makes candles from a variety of plant waxes such as goby, palm palm, rapeseed, rice bran, and poison ivy.
1650年頃 七尾を領地とした前田家が蝋燭座(ろうそくざ)といわれる蝋燭の製造販売組合のようなものをつくり、各地より職人を集め、蝋燭作りを推奨しました。
高澤ろうそく店は明治25年(1892年)の創業以来100年以上もの間 石川県でただ一軒、伝統の七尾和ろうそくを作り続けています。
日の暮らしのなかの 穏やかでちょっと豊かなひととき。
Japanese candles in Nanao, Noto Peninsula
Around 1650, the Maeda family, which held Nanao as its fiefdom, established a kind of candle manufacturing and sales cooperative called “Roshokuza,” and gathered craftsmen from all over the region to promote candle making.
Since Nanao prospered as a port of call for Kitamae ships from the Edo period to the Meiji period (1868-1912), it was possible to import raw materials from various regions and transport the finished candles to various places, and from there candle production in Nanao began to flourish.
Since its establishment in 1892, Takazawa Candle Shop has been the only one in Ishikawa Prefecture to continue producing traditional Nanao candles for over 100 years.
The main raw materials of Japanese candles are vegetable waxes such as palm palm, rapeseed, and goby, and the wick is made by hand-rolling each candle with Japanese paper and a light wick.
A moment of calm and a little richness in your daily life.
May your life be filled with light.

株式会社 高澤商店
Takazawa Shoten Co.